Birth of the Angel : The COVID Murders Mystery: Book One of Two

Pre-Sales Begin! The COVID Murders Mystery: Book One of Two From Bookbinder Books Go to: amazon, and type in: Birth of the Angel, Conal O’Brien and you’ll be able to see the final cover of the book! Pre-sales are now possible – in eBook form –...

Birth of the Angel

The COVID Murders Mystery: Book One of Two Coming to soon! Conal O’Brien


Okay, that’s a date that looks good in print! An update: Birth of the Angel, Book One of The COVID Murders Mystery – will be out in February – because complications of the corona-virus have impacted the Publisher’s schedule. It’s curious...

Bookbinder Books Update !

A few minutes ago I sent the final version of Birth of the Angel off for formatting! We are on track for publication in January. Printed books will be available online from Bookshop, and as eBooks anywhere they are sold. So, coming soon. The COVID Murders Mystery:...

Birth of the Angel

The process of publishing has been an exciting eye-opener. Each step is involved and meticulous, which I enjoy so much. By the end of this week, the final manuscript of the first book will be sent off for formatting and marketing. Birth of the Angel will soon be...